As an advocate of education, I will pursue opportunities for our students and their future. I would work to promote preschool education that will close the gap of all children allowing them to experience education before kindergarten, and I would push for funding to support the mental health care of our youth and citizens in the county.


As a visionary, I will seek more innovative ideas for the human and economic development of our county. As I continue to speak to the residents of the county and consider their needs, I would advocate for affordable housing, reducing the McKinney Veto population. I would help to build a more competitive workforce that will allow our residents to work and live in our community. I would also work to improve the road conditions to alleviate traffic for a better quality of life and work-life balance. Lastly, I will assist in creating a community that places value on its youth with higher investments in the educational system and youth programs, giving our youth more opportunities regardless of their socio-economic status since they are the pathway to the future.


As a supporter of public safety, and as the number of Spotsylvania residents continually grows, it is my goal that we have sufficient resources such as first responders, and proper infrastructure to feel safe. We need safer roads. It is also important that our first responders receive a competitive salary as they work to protect and serve.
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